Thinking Design

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New Year Vibes
Linda Secondari Linda Secondari

New Year Vibes

As we step into the new year, many of us are reflecting on the ambitions we want to pursue. With winter settling in across the northern hemisphere, we find ourselves spending more time indoors–perfect for plotting, planning, and considering what we aim to achieve in the year ahead. For some, this means writing our first book or working toward reaching a wider audience with the books we’ve created. My passion for publishing and helping others has inspired me to share my experience.

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Uncover Your “Why” for Writing a Book
Linda Secondari Linda Secondari

Uncover Your “Why” for Writing a Book

Publishing a book can be a gratifying experience. But before diving too deep into the intricacies of the publishing process, it’s crucial to understand your motivations for writing in the first place. What’s driving you to create and share this work with the world?

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AI & Me
Linda Secondari Linda Secondari

AI & Me

Like the industrial revolution, AI will change how we do business.

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Designing Longform Content in the Age of Short Attention Spans
Linda Secondari Linda Secondari

Designing Longform Content in the Age of Short Attention Spans

With the rise of social media and endless streams of content, our attention spans have become shorter than ever before. As a result, designers and publishers of long-form text are facing new challenges. How do we create content that is approachable, engaging, and, most importantly, able to retain the reader's attention?

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